Casa de Luz --- San Diego


  GMO Info Series  -  Part  IV;


       GMOs, Obesity and Health


        This presentation was given on 19 July 2013 at Casa de Luz in San Diego as part of an on-going series on Genetically Modified Foods.  Here I have replaced my cryptic notes with I think I have said. 
Introduction --- Who am I?


I am a 2nd generation Californian.  My mother was born in California in 1918.  My father was also born in 1918.  They both now live in Oregon.  I received my   BSEE in 1965.  While working on my Masters in Physics I received a Draft Notice from the Army.  In enrolled in the Air Force and spent 9 years on active duty.  I then returned to California in 1977 and bought a house in Carlsbad.  I continued with the USAF Reserve for 11 more years. 


In 2006 my dad, my son and I were very sick.  My son was diagnosed with cancer.  In 2007 I read a blog of a lady with the same symptoms as I.  She made a stew for her and her husband and gave the uneaten part to her dog.  Her dog almost died.  Her investigation revealed that the corn had been genetically modified to produce the Bt-toxin.  By avoiding GM food, she recovered.  By eating non-GMO, my dad and I recovered.  But it was to late to save my son whose cancer had already metastasized and was in hospice.  He died in 2007.  I have been investigating GMOs ever since. 


My daughter claims I talk too much.  So the name of my domain is: http://FarTooMuch.Info.  I have acquired a significant amount of information on genetically modified organisms to put on a subdomain: 





Note that I am not a medical doctor.  Therefore take everything I say as opinion except my own personal experiments on myself and whatever documentation I provide.  I am my own guinea pig.  I encourage all of you to do your own research and develop your own opinions from documented reports, personal experience and what your doctor says.  That is assuming your doctors knows how dangerous GMOs can be.  And please, if you see or hear any errors this evening, please let me know.  I am learning about a subject in a blizzard of global misinformation.        Russ@FarTooMuch.Info     


During my lecture, what was on my iPad was projected onto two large screens for others to follow. 


After switching to non-GMO food and recovering, at my next doctor’s visit, he said I no longer needed 150 mg of Atenolol a day and went from 140 mg to zero.  He was surprised at my recovery.  He also said I was no longer diabetic and I went home and celebrated with a liter of chocolate malt.  Next morning my blood sugar was normal.  However the next I tried that, it was obvious I still needed to watch how much sugar I ate.  Without GMOs [and Atenolol], I began to feel well.  Since this lecture is mostly about food, I then reviewed kinds of food and there effect on obesity and health



Protein, Fats, Carbohydrates and Fiber 


Humans derive energy mostly from fats and carbohydrates.


There are both unsaturated and saturated oils and fats. 


Hydrogenated oils are not natural fats. 


Fiber is not metabolized, but is necessary for health. 




       Sucrose is 50% glucose and 50% fructose. 


Glucose is used for energy by our bodies.


        Fructose is stored in our bodies as fat. 


Cornstarch is broken down into fructose by lye.  Cheap lye contains mercury.  [Lye is usually made by electrolysis of salt water with mercury cathode.] 


        When you have time, I recommend watching:  Sugar: The Bitter Truth: 





High Fructose Corn Syrup is supposed to be less then 65% fructose, but unfortunately, some HFSC is now almost 90% fructose.  This means you want to drink much more to get the glucose you need and end up drinking a lot more fructose that turns into fat.  


Like white sugar, HFCS is deficient in essential metal nutrients.  All “RoundUp Ready” foods are deficient in essential metal nutrients.  This includes the chrome needed to activate insulin.  Avoid HFCS like the plague it is. 


Avoid fruit drinks that are high in sugar.  Avoid candy.  Minimize grain.  This includes bread, pasta, corn chips, etc.  Avoid dressings containing HFCS, corn syrup, soy, cottonseed oil, & canola oil.  Use olive oil in moderation.  A little Coconut oil can be used for cooking.  Remember high-heat creates carcinogens.  


Do eat foods high in fiber.  Do eat a wide variety of vegetables.  Avoid old, wilted vegetables.  Eat nuts, cheese, eggs and meat in moderation.   




By consuming 60 lbs [27 kg] of HFCS a year, you would also probably consume about 65 mg of mercury.  You might not consider this a lot, buy remember that mercury is a cumulative poison. 


Here is a lecture series I found on the web.  At the lecture I did not have time to show all of it, but I did show “The Skinny on Obesity 2 --- Sickeningly Sweet”. 



The Skinny On Obesity

Pediatrics, UCSF --- Robert H. Lustig MD

Center for Obesity Assessment, Study & Treatment,

UCSF, Elissa Epel & Barbara Laraia


The Skinny on Obesity 1  An Epidemic for Every Body

The Skinny on Obesity 2  Sickeningly Sweet

The Skinny on Obesity 3  Hunger and Hormones – A Vicious Cycle

The Skinny on Obesity 4  Sugar – A Sweet Addiction

The Skinny on Obesity 5  Generation XL 

The Skinny on Obesity 6  A Fast-Paced Fast Food Life

The Skinny on Obesity 7  Drugs, Cigarettes, Alcohol . . . and Sugar? 


Dr. Robert H. Lustig does a very good job on this series.  But he misses the dangers of genetic modified foods.  So every time he asks “what is different”, think GMOs and RoundUp.  But then this lecture has been around for a few years.  Also note that UCD promotes GMOs as does official California policy.  Promoting GMOs is also official United States policy.



What are GMOs? 


Organism: anything having genes that can replicate: 


Plants, Fungi, Bacteria, Viruses, Mycoplasmas, Insects, Birds, Reptiles and Mammals … including us. 


Genetic Modification is the mixing of genes, even between types. 



What Foods Have Been Genetically Modified?


So far, as best as I can determine, there is GM corn, sweet corn, soy, cotton-seed, canola, rapeseed, rice, sugar beets, sugar cane, papaya, potatoes, flax, squash, alfalfa, tomatoes, red-hearted chicory, peas, carrots, ice berg lettuce, spinach and salmon.  Not all have been approved for commercial planting.  This information was obtained from several sources.   


Other GMOs include: Tobacco, mosquitoes, bacteria, sheep, goats, pigs, & humans.  


Products of GMOs include:  Growth Hormone, aspartame, and drugs.



Common Genetic Modifications:


1.  Bacillus Thuringiensis

Bt-gene  ---  Bt-toxin 


Natural Bt-toxin has been used for years and is O.K.  It is sprayed onto the surface of plants and can be washed off. 


Bt-gene inserted into food is in every cell of the plant and is not save.  It makes the Bt-toxin that can put holes in your stomach and gut and leakage of gut “stuff” into your body.  This stuff and the shortage of essential nutrients from glyphosate, can lead to ADD, MS, ALS, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s.  The act of splicing genes causes “collateral damage” and therefore the ability to make new proteins that may be toxic and an allergen.



2.  RoundUp  ---  Glyphosate cheleates metal nutrients. 

Chelating Agents  


Chromium --- Needed to activate insulin  ---  to avoid Type 2 diabetes.  I believe that the plague of diabetes is as much due to a lack of essential nutrients as it is an excess of sugars and starches. 


Cobalt --- Center of Vitamin B-12 molecule  ---  B-12 needed for cell division and growth to avoid sterility, miscarriage, inability to learn, Alzheimer’s, etc.   


Magnesium, Manganese, Zinc, etc. --- necessary for a healthy immune system to avoid diseases including cancer.  





Note that in the old days, a farmer would grow food to feed his family, and the “processed food” would be deposited back into the land.  I.e. the mineral would be recycled.


Now farmers grow food on large farms, ship the food to distant stores where it is bought, eaten, and the “processed food” is deposited into a toilet and flushed into a processing plant before being set to the ocean. 


The farmer often replaces the nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, but seldom are the other essential minerals replaced.  Because of this, many foods are now deficient in essential nutrients such as copper, chrome, cobalt, iron, iodine, magnesium, manganese, sulfur, selenium, zinc, etc.


For this reason, even organic and non-GMO foods can be deficient in essential nutrients. 


While at Cosco one day I found a bottle of “CinSulin”, a supplement that contains chromium.  So I bought some.  If you go out to eat and find your blood sugar high, taking this can activate your insulin to lower your blood sugar.  I.e. it provides, along with cinnamon and vitamin D3, the chromium missing from your diet. 




The following is a representation of a vitamin B-12 molecule.  Note that it is a cobalt-centered molecule.  Without cobalt, neither animals nor us can make this essential vitamin needed for growth and to form new memory. 


Vitamin B-12 



Monsanto's RoundUp Herbicide

(Featuring the Darth Vader Chemical)


Even though it was not shown at the lecture, I strongly recommend everyone to watch this one-hour video.  It connects the genetic modifications given above with all the major diseases now common in the United States:


Glyphosate interrupts the formation of essential amino acids.  Shortage of triptophan causes a deficiency of seratonin that prevents suppression of appetite and can cause violent behavior.  Switching to non-GMO makes both animals and humans happier within 3 to 5 days.  Glyphosate and other organophosphates tie up zinc and sulfur.  This can cause Autism, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, MS, ALS, liver cancer and many other diseases.  RoundUp causes birth defects. The lack of metal nutrients and sulfur leads to obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.  Because RoundUp Ready Corn is the most toxic GM crop, it was used for the French Rat Study.



Obesity portion of the above video:  




What’s in Your Food?


Manufacturers of processed foods are required to put an ingredient label on the package that contains their food.  But these labels do not show anything less then a half gram per serving.  Serving size is often adjusted so certain ingredients are NOT on the label.  But at least most manufacturers have a phone number you can call or an e-mail address to send a query.  If they use material that can be genetically modified, ask them if it is GM.  If they do not come out and directly say it has not been genetically modified, assume that it contains GMOs and don’t buy it. 


For example I called Frito-Lay and asked them if they used GM corn.  They said they asked their farmers to grow the good stuff, but accepted whatever they grew.  I have not eaten anything from Frito-Lay since. 


I called Mission and asked them if they used GM corn.  They said, “Absolutely Not”.  Their farmers plant the same tradition corn they have been using for the last 50? Years.  [whatever the real number is, it was a long time.] 


I called Taco Bell.  They use GM corn.  Rubio’s uses traditional corn.  As you probably know, all corn cereals use GM corn unless they state otherwise. 






Bt-genes make Bt-toxin that can put holes in your gut.  Bt-genes can then seep through those holes into your blood stream, get into cells and modify your DNA.  That modification can create DNA that causes those cells to grow and divide without limit.  i.e. Cancer.  Gives new meaning to “You are what you eat.”  Note that glyphosate contributes to cancer. 


        Politics --- French Rat Sutdy





Most of the wheat now being grown is a new kind wheat that is short, with more grain, and a new protein.  That protein is mildly addictive.  [Wheat Belly] 


There is also some genetically modified wheat floating around that has not been approved for planting.  [Monsanto]  



Wheat: The Unhealthy Whole Grain 


Doctor Says Genetically Modified Wheat a "Perfect, Chronic Poison" 









So far, the genetically modified salmon has only been allowed to grow in cages in rivers where real salmon travel.  According to recent reports, real salmon swimming upstream past these salmon have a very high mortality rate and very few real salmon actually make it to the breeding area.  It has not yet been determine if the toxins come from the genetically modified salmon or what they are fed.   Some of their feed may be genetically modified corn.  I have been told that food coloring is used to give them the “correct salmon color”.         




USDA Organic Board 


Our current administration is packing the organic board with pro-GMO members who want to classify GMOs as “Organic”.  It is my opinion that with-in the next three years that the “non-GMO” label may mean more than the “Organic” label.   




Other GMOs 


Epicyte Pharmaceutical Inc. of San Diego, California working under license by Scripps, Research Institute has advanced “biopharming” gene splicing to a new level.  They now claim, “[Our new] patent applies to all plants and all antibodies, whether human or animal.”  Epicyte’s major contribution to this emerging technology is the Epicyte Spermicide Gene.  They are now capable of using corn and other plants as a birth control drug making men sterile and women infertile.  Commonly called pregnancy prevention plant technology, this gene causes human antibodies to attach human sperm.  Epicyte president Mitch Hein states, “We have a hothouse filled with corn plants that make anti-sperm antibodies.  Epicyte was in partnership with Dow Chemical Company and Johnson & Johnson, however, Monsanto and Dupont recently bought them.  


Silent Forest Video - a forest of trees so toxic that there are no insects, no birds, nothing but toxic, genetically modified trees.

Dr. Mercola Interviews Dr. Huber about GMOs, infertility and birth defects: Part 1 , Part 2

How GMO foods alter organ function and pose a very real health threat to humans at .   Common Mycoplasmas –

Now Weaponized, Pathogenic & Deadly  



By Donald W. Scott, MA, MSc © 2001



President - The Common Cause

Medical Research Foundation

190 Mountain Street, Suite 405

Sudbury, Ontario, Canada P3B 4G2

Tel/fax: +1 (705) 670 0180  +1 (705) 670 0180  


Mycoplasma - The Linking Pathogen in Neurosystemic Diseases


Several strains of mycoplasma have been "engineered" to become more dangerous. They are now being blamed for AIDS, cancer, CFS, MS, CJD and other neurosystemic diseases.


Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 8, Number 5 (August-September 2001)   

From our web page at:  


“The Special Virus Cancer Program, created by the CIA and NIH to develop a deadly pathogen for which humanity had no natural immunity (AIDS), was disguised as a war on cancer but was actually part of MKNAOMI.2 Many members of the Senate and House of Representatives do not know what has been going on. For example, the US Senate Committee on Government Reform had searched the archives in Washington and other places for the document titled "The Special Virus Cancer Program: Progress Report No. 8", and couldn't find it. Somehow they heard I had it, called me and asked me to mail it to them. Imagine: a retired schoolteacher being called by the United States Senate and asked for one of their secret documents! The US Senate, through the Government Reform Committee, is trying to stop this type of government research.”



Other Toxins  ---  Poisons in our food and vaccines: 


Mercury, fluorine, arsenic, aluminum, barium, nickel, Bt-toxin, glyphosate, 2,4-D, methyl bromide, Neonicotinoids, aspartame, and many, many more.  There are over 200 poisons that end up in our food and vaccines. 





Note that the mass spraying of toxic Aluminum and Barium is, in theory, to combat “Global Warming”.  The idea is that heat will be reflected away from the Earth.  But almost everything that goes up will come down and the aluminum and barium is no exception.  The problem is that these chemicals are very toxic to non-GMO [and organic] foods that take in essential metal nutrients.  Only “RoundUp Ready” foods that have been engineered to grow without metal nutrients will grow because they will also not absorb these toxic metals.  Also the glyphosate in RoundUp will also lock up these metals.  


What in the World are They Spraying?




Other Links:


I also highly recommend getting [or seeing] the videos called: Genetic Roulette Movie and Seeds of Death.  For a technical description see:  Disease and Glyphosate.   There is a short version of Genetic Roulette that is called: Genetic Roulette 10 min Remix   




Page 2


Why did the Last 4 Presidents of the United States push GMOs?


       Is it United Nations Agenda 21’s requirement for depopulation?  

[all POTUS signed on to Agenda 21 by executive order]



Why does Congress push GMOs?



          Issa Letter 



Dear Mr. Lemon:


Thank you for contacting me to express your support for the mandatory labeling of genetically engineered foods.  I appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns.


I agree that consumers should have access to pertinent information about the products they consume.  This should include information about food products that are treated with anti-biotics or any other chemicals, and whether there are any potential risks that these treatments may have for consumers.


Labeling genetically engineered foods, however, would not do much to promote health or safety.  The vast majority of food products have been altered in one way or another.  Genetic engineering has reduced costs to consumers, has increased the food supply of the U.S., and has helped protect Americans from diseases transmitted through foods.  Creating a mandatory labeling system would offer no real benefits to consumers and would only enlarge the federal bureaucracy.  Consumers should have better and more comprehensive sources of information about products than that offered through the possibility of a mandatory labeling system.


Please rest assured that I will support efforts to give consumers access to information about the products they consume and will keep your concerns in mind whenever this issue comes before me in the course of my duties as your representative.


Again, thank you for contacting me.  Please feel free to do so again on this or any other issue of concern to you.





Darrell Issa

Member of Congress



The Farm Bill pushes GMOs and taxes Organic Foods.


The Food Safety Act pushes GMOs and Restricts Organic Foods and Supplements.  [i.e. Codex Alenmaterius] 



My Events Page:  http://NoGMO.FarTooMuch.Info/events.htm 


Send a letter, Send a FAX, or write on your Representative’s Web Page.  Let him or her know how you feel about Genetically Modified Foods and Vaccines. 




Part 3


At this point the lecture was opened up to questions.  A lively discussion covered genetic modifications of both food and vaccines.  After the discussions wondered off topic, the discussion was closed.  I invited those who were interested to participate in a discussion of the politics of genetically modified organisms.   



Part 4 


For a few minutes I would like to ask for your continued support in labeling genetically modified foods.  We have a California web site called  and here in San Diego we receive mail addressed to   You can read my web page at:  NoGMO.FarTooMuch.Info  and contact me at  Russ@FarTooMuch.Info.  Other good web pages are:  and .  


I would also ask you to contact your Congressmen and Senators about labeling GMOs.  Contact them through their web page, or by fax, or by post office mail.  Most do not accept direct e-mail.  My Congressman supports GM foods.  He seems to be ignorant of the dangers of GMO.  He eats at the Congressional Cafeteria that is organic.  The White House has been organic for the last 20+ years.  Monsanto genetic engineers insist that their cafeteria be non-GMO.  They do not want to eat the toxic foods they are asked to create.  But for us, why do they want us to eat GMOs?  .    


Legislative Goals:

Help pass Federal Labeling Law:  Boxer/DeFazio in 2013.

Send e-mail, write letter and/or visit:
White House White House Staff
U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer
U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein
Congressman 49 Darrell Issa
Congressman 50 Duncan Hunter
Congressman 51 Juan Vargas
Congressman 52 Scott Peters
Congressman 53 Susan Davis
CA Senator 36 Joel Anderson
CA Senator 38 Mark Wyland
CA Senator 39 Marty Block
CA Senator 40 Ben Hueso
CA Assemblyman 71 Brian Jones
CA Assemblyman 75 Marie Waldron
CA Assemblyman 76 Rocky Chavez
CA Assemblyman 77 Brian Maienschein
CA Assemblyman 78 Toni Atkins
CA Assemblyman 79 Shirley Weber
CA Assemblyman 80 Lorena Gonzalez

Stop Monsanto Rider in 6 months.
Send e-mail, write letter and/or visit your representatives [listed above].

Have a local ordinance enacted for labeling or banning GMOs.
Send e-mail, write letter and/or visit your local county and city representatives.


Tell your congressional representative that given a choice, you would vote for the representative that votes to label GMOs, who votes to support organic foods, and does not support growing toxic or nutrient deficient foods,



What is really unfortunate is the very active and aggressive local, state and Federal Government attacks on organic and family farms: 

Health Ranger hosts Alex Jones Show Apr 2012 - govt attacks on food freedom, Rawesome Foods disassembled and more_HI-RES -

American Policy Center comments on United Nations Agenda 21: shows the progress being made to inform us about these problems.  You will not find this information on National News Channels because National Policy has favored sickness for the last 20 years. 


And links from my page: United Nations Agenda 21